A Prayer for Our Mental Health

The line between good and poor mental health is very narrow, and touches all of our lives at some point. Today’s prayer is for ourselves and those we know and care for, so please join me in praying for our mental health.

Loving Father, we pray today for our mental health, for our feelings, emotions, the things that go on inside our heads and for the mental health of the people we know, and love and care for.

Thank you that there is no part of our lives that you do not care about and that you do not understand, even though we may not understand it ourselves. Thank you, God that when Jesus walked this earth, he experienced every human emotion from joy to terror and acceptance to grief, and because of this we know that you know what we are going through.

Loving Father, we ask that you would come close to us when we are feeling upset, confused, frightened, overloaded or overwhelmed. Help us to realise that however we feel we are not alone, not only are you with us but there are people who understand, who have felt the same and can help. We ask that we may experience the peace and wholeness that you offer, that will guard our hearts and minds when we feel tired, weak and unable to cope.

Thank you, that when we feel hopeless, guilty, worthless or simply exhausted that you have the strength and the desire to come down to meet us where we are and to lift us up again. When we are fearful of the changing seasons and darkening days, thank you that you offer light and hope to raise our mood and give us energy and strength to face each day.

Loving Father, we pray too that we might know your presence with us through the darker days and nights. When sleep will not come please help us to switch off and rest. When we are anxious please give us the perspective that helps us face our fears. When we have a difficult relationship with food, when we are too dependent on alcohol or feel we have to self-medicate to face the world, when normal things make us panic and our heart pound, when we find relief in harming ourselves or in wondering when and how our life might end, please meet us in our dark places and share with us your light and healing and hope.

Thank you that there are people who care. Thank you that there are people who pray for us, and there are those who can help. Please help us to help each other. Help us to share our cares and concerns, for each other and with each other realising that we all experience brokenness in some way. Make us more aware of the things that those around us struggle with and help us to be sensitive to each other’s needs and vulnerabilities.

Loving Father, more than anything, thank you that even when we feel completely alone that you have promised never to leave us and that you love us even when we find it hard to love ourselves. And so we hand over all our cares and concerns to you and find rest and peace, held in your loving arms. Amen.

Jesus once said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”

John 14:27

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2 thoughts on “A Prayer for Our Mental Health

  1. Thank you for this – so meaningful and so very relevant for many of us.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement
    My favorite verse in Phil 4
    “Forgetting what is past we PRESS on towards the high calling in Jesus ”
    Press on – – – we are on the victory side Hallujah.

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