
Dales Faith – Relationship, Community, Partnership

We are ordinary people who discovered that our lives changed when we encountered Jesus. We have each made the decision to live life his way and to keep learning more about him. We have discovered that following Jesus and trusting God has transformed our lives and so we are happy to be known as Christians. We believe that God is not far off but is alive in everyone who is a follower of Jesus.

Our vision is to see God grow his Church in and around the North Yorkshire Dales area.

Our part in this vision is to encourage and enable the growth of ‘Church-Without-Walls, a non-congregational expression of God’s Kingdom, by developing a community of disciples, connected in many diverse ways from casual friendships to the more formal structures of inherited church, face to face and online, forming networks for mutual encouragement and partnerships for particular purposes.

Our vision is to both encourage and equip those who connect with Dales Faith to gather in groups where they live.

We do this by engaging with people – online, through social media, and face to face; by encouraging each other – in our walk with Jesus; by equipping each other – to be more faithful and fruitful disciples; and by empowering each other – through the power in prayer.


Please get in contact with us, we would love to hear from you.

Basis of Faith

We believe that what we believe matters. Read more here.

Richmond Falls

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