Dales Faith – Relationship, Community, Partnership
Dales Faith is a Christian community project based in and around the North Yorkshire Dales area and centred in Bedale.
“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16)
If life is a journey then our hope is that in Dales Faith you will find traveling companions to walk the road with, to encourage you in the day-to-day, to lift you through life’s hardest places, and to share with you its brightest moments and the best views.
Our vision is to see God grow his Church in and around the North Yorkshire Dales area.
Our part in this vision is to encourage and enable the growth of church-without-walls, a non-congregational expression of God’s Kingdom, by developing a community of disciples, connected in many diverse ways, from casual friendships to the more formal structures of inherited church, face to face and online, and forming networks for mutual encouragement and partnerships for particular purposes.
Our vision is to both to encourage, and equip those who connect with Dales Faith to gather in groups where they live, and to form a body of scattered-yet-connected networks of individuals, communities, missional projects, worship events, Biblical teaching opportunities, and centres of resource, under the headship of Jesus.
We do this by engaging with people – online, through social media, and face to face ; by encouraging them – in our walk with Jesus; by equipping them – to be more faithful and fruitful disciples; and by empowering them – through the power in prayer.
(1 Corinthians 15:1-5; Col 4:8; Eph 4:11-12; Col 1:9-11)

An Invitation to Participate
As believers we are called to care for each other, to encourage and build up each other, to teach, comfort, stir up and to pray for each other. We are also called to use the gifts we have been given for the benefit of each other.
If your gift is poetry or prose, prayers or reflections, writing or painting then maybe you might be willing to share it with others through our Community Contributions. Here’s how…