A Prayer for Our Children

Whether you believe in God or not something happens when we pray. The God revealed in the Bible is not distant or disconnected from our lives but is interested and intimately involved in both our present realities and our future hopes. He hears the thoughts we think and the syllables we speak as we pray, and something changes, both in us and in the circumstances we bring to him. Praying is an inclusive activity, God makes no distinction between those who have faith in him and those who do not so whatever your situation please join with us as we pray for our children and for those of our friends, family and neighbours…

Father, today we pray for our children and the children across this county who are returning to school. We pray for their teachers, the school support staff, administrators, cooks, supervisors and the transport workers who ferry our children to school each morning and back home every night. We pray too for the policy-makers, advisors, governors and head-teachers who carry the responsibility for both the safety and the right education of our children, but we pray for our children most of all.

Father, we thank you for these precious young lives, we thank you for watching over them over these last months of uncertainty and concern. We thank you for who they are in themselves and what they are to us, and to you; precious, loved, valued beyond measure and often the centre of our world. We thank you for the life that is in them, their energy, enthusiasm, curiosity and commitment. We thank you for the good we can see in them, the life they share with us and the light this brings into our own lives.

Father, we ask your blessing on the children. We pray that all the arrangements for the start of term run smoothly, especially with the covid testing they have to go through, that you will dispel any anxiety and uncertainty they may have. We ask that you will restore confidence in them that school is a safe place to be, a place where they will always be wanted and welcome; a place that will not close its doors to them and will not turn them away. We ask too that you will watch over them and keep them safe.

Father, this world is an awesome place. We ask that you will grow in our children a sense of wonder and of curiosity, a desire to discover more, and a love of learning. It is also a complex place, confusing at times, sometimes dangerous, often difficult to navigate. We ask that you will help our children learn wisely and to develop the skills they need to make good decisions, to help each other, to work together, and to shape our community and our culture for the better.

So Father we pray for our children as they start or return to school and college at this time. We thank you for who they are and we ask they will know your blessing on them, now and through the year ahead. In Jesus’ name.


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