A Good Death?

When we stop and consider the impact we or others have made on this earth, our first thoughts go to how we have spent our hours alive; the time we have invested in our children, our careers, our communities; what we have given to others, what we have left to those who will come after us. We give little or no thought to the impact that how we die will have. But when we look at the news or read history, we all want to know how someone died. Whatever we think now, actually it does matter. Perhaps how we view our own death is as important as how we choose to live.

2020 – Extraordinary, Unknown, Unseen

As the year closes , fighting to make the most of what the law permits us to do, we find ourselves at Christmas. We are kept distant from those we are closest too, by our desire to protect and keep safe and respect the regulations that keep us apart. What divides us, unites us as we know that everyone we share this world with, is facing the same struggles and feeling the same pain as we are.

More than any other year I can remember, are the challenges of simply trying to be with the people we want to share this special time with. More than any other year, are the sales of sparkly lights, wrapped around trees, hedges and houses, as we all long for light at this dark time. For many, the days drag as the opportunities for activities diminish and our drive to do something seems to dwindle. And in the middle of these depressing times we look back at the year gone, and out at the Christmas lights.

This year has not been ordinary…