It is often suggested that the value of a property is simply the price someone is prepared to pay for it. Whilst this observation may be especially relevant if you are in the process of moving home, there is much more to the concept of value than merely what something is worth in cold hard cash.

The price we are prepared to pay for items that are new far exceeds that which we would pay for things that have been owned by someone else. New cars depreciate rapidly yet a one-year-old car will not be much different from one that has just left the factory. And yet, simple everyday items inherited from someone we loved greatly can have a value to us far greater than any price tag they ever carried.

It is also said that time is money. Our hourly rate communicates what our skills and days are worth to someone else. But when we learn, that the time we have to be with someone special is limited, even short moments with them gain a value far beyond that which any employer would pay.

The Bible tells us that as human beings we are each unique and yet we are all made in the image of God. This means that every human life, including the one you are living now, is of the highest value to him because it is he who has given you that gift. This value is not dependent on the skills we have, nor the time we have left to live. It is not dependent on our achievements nor the resources we have at our disposal. The Bible’s accounts of a baby in a manger, of a cross, and of an empty tomb all point to an immeasurable value that God sees in each and every one of us, and which we all carry from before we are born.

If you think or have ever been made to feel, that you are worthless, please don’t believe it. Listen to what the Bible says. Turn to Jesus and in him you will discover that you are known, you are loved and you are of the greatest value ever.

Be encouraged

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