Trials Oh Lord!

by Donna Rutter.

Nearly sixty times in the New Testament believers are given guidance about how we should behave towards one another. The most repeated command was from Jesus; that we love one another. But, we are also called to care for each other, to encourage and build each other up, to teach, comfort, stir up, and to pray for each other. We are also encouraged to use the gifts God has given us for the benefit of each other. I am therefore very grateful to Donna for her willingness to share with us this psalm-like poem she has written. Be blessed!

“I was suffering with adversity in my life, both personal and emotional. I was compelled to do this poem as an act of praise to the Lord. God helps us through every situation the good and the bad and I wanted to share these words. I felt I was guided by the Holy Spirit and that this would resonate with others.”


Trials. Oh Lord!

Thank you, Lord, for my life,
each morning I’m so thankful I’m alive
The blessings of each day that you bring,
there are so many and they are unending

Why is it we complain at adversity?
When we know deep down
you will carry us through the storm
and bring us through to eternity.

Trials come on us like a rock that refuses to be moved
and stays there like a captured tyrant.
We resort to hope that brings us solace,
not any kind of hope but the hope that moves mountains.
It’s the faith in that spiritual hope that endures in us forever.

These lessons come in all shapes and sizes and time is no object in their path.
They come with meaning and purpose,
to mould us into an intricate design
from the potter’s hands and it is very selective.

I felt lost in a downward spiral of grief and despair
but beyond anything I had no control over it.
Instead, I fought through it but accepted it,
for I knew this was the testing of my faith.
I remembered what Jesus did on the cross and I sobbed under my breath.

Oh, my Saviour my Lord, forgive me.
For you know that the testing of my faith produces endurance,
so I will be lacking in nothing.
And I will look spiritedly to the last coming of our Lord Saviour.

Suddenly I came out of this darkness into the light!
My joy had not escaped me, and I felt wondrous inside.
The hope I had was fulfilled and the trust inside transpired in front of me.
My confidence was restored and the love I have for the Lord stronger than ever. 

Then I knew the Lord is my shepherd and my strength, he has restored my soul.
For I went astray and for this time he has taught me a lesson.
My perspective has changed into a new way of thinking,
A new spiritual awakening, oh Lord.

Oh, Lord, I will look to no other but you,
for the trust I have in you is greater and my love will endure forever.

Donna Rutter

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