Meeting In Person

We are sensing that now is the time to start something new. The idea of God growing his church in this place is both exciting and challenging, as starting out on a new journey always takes courage and commitment as we set out together on an unknown path. Yet, I am certain that we will be in good company, as it is Jesus we will be walking with.

A month or so ago, a friend shared a prophetic image of an open gate with me, and we are trusting that this means that it is now time to walk through this gate together. We have talked about these things before, but I believe now is the time to prayerfully consider committing to journey together and to meeting regularly.

A number of people have resolved to meet at our home in Bedale on Thursday 5th December 2024. Perhaps you would like to join us. If so, please do get in touch. If you live too far away, then please pray for all that God is planning to do here in Bedale and in other places across these northern dales.

All things new start with a season of uncertainty as we work out patterns and rhythms that will help us as we journey together. This can be an exhilarating time or an anxious one depending on how we are made. My prayer is that as we discern God’s calling, and how we can participate with him in the new things he is doing, we might look forward with hope and anticipation. These are exciting times.

Be encouraged.

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