Dales Faith is:
- Church-without-walls
- A non-congregational expression of God’s Kingdom
- A network of people connecting together to form a dispersed yet cohesive community
We know that there are many who sense that there is more to life than the ‘day-to-day’ and ‘here-and-now’. That we are both spiritual and physical beings and we need to understand both these realities if we are to be mentally and physically healthy, live in right-relationship with the outside world, and live purposeful and productive lives.
We know too that everyone is different. We all have our own unique character and personality, our likes and dislikes, strengths and failings, skills and interests, and ways we understand and do life, with others and on our own. We know that there are places where we ‘fit in’, places where we do not feel comfortable, and places where we feel ‘at home’.
At Dales Faith, we are aware that across the Dales, falling attendances and empty churches suggest a turning from faith, and yet we know that there are many who live faith-full lives and many who follow Jesus but who do not connect with their local expressions of church. We understand that one size does not fit all; that congregational church is great for some but others cannot find a fit, and a few, perhaps, need something more.
Dales Faith is SOMEWHERE where:
- You can ask the difficult questions
- You can express your doubts as well as your hopes
- You will be valued, respected and encouraged
- You may find your life transformed through an encounter with the God of the Bible
- You, whoever, whatever and wherever you may be
- You, who are questioning what faith is all about, if you have faith, if you have lost your faith or if you have had no time for faith
- You, if you are open to hearing more about Jesus and considering what the Bible has to say to us today, and you, who already know him and are wanting to follow where he is leading.
- You, who do not or cannot connect with your local church, or if you have never seen church as relevant.

An Invitation to Participate
As believers we are called to care for each other, to encourage and build up each other, to teach, comfort, stir up and to pray for each other. We are also called to use the gifts we have been given for the benefit of each other.
If your gift is poetry or prose, prayers or reflections, writing or painting then maybe you might be willing to share it with others through our Community Contributions. Here’s how…