Colburn Community Support

Time for Some Good News

If asked, most of us might describe missionaries as people who travelled to distant lands to support struggling communities in whatever way they could, and often at great personal cost. Throughout history, many resourceful individuals have helped local people to overcome the challenges of poverty and limited local services by establishing hospitals and schools, and by getting involved with the lives of the folk living in the communities they joined.

Simon and Jo-Ann Eastwood may have only moved 10 miles down the road, and yet in many ways they share this same dedication to the community they have moved into. It is a pleasure and a real encouragement to hear of their vision and hopes for the future, and I pray that you too will be encouraged by what they have seen happen in one of the most deprived places in and around these North Yorkshire Dales, over the last couple of years.

Be encouraged.


In the spring of 2022, after several years of supporting the local community to which we had been called, we laid down our previous roles in teaching and running a Christian retreat/holiday centre.  It was time to step away from those careers and use our skills in our community, predominantly a 1950’s council estate on the edge of Catterick Garrison, the largest army base in Europe, and bordering the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. Our vision was to walk with individuals, families, businesses and groups, sharing hope and God’s amazing love through practical & admin support, budgeting & financial advice, pastoral support and being advocates in varied situations.

We use the following Bible verse from the book of Proverbs as one of our aims and objectives.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Proverbs 31 v 8-9

The deprivation indices for the area are very challenging with low scores overall especially regarding health, education, and child poverty. These also highlight relational poverty. Someone in relational poverty may have no friends or family that they can call on in times of need. Many of us gain a lot of support and encouragement from being part of a community or family unit. Sadly, many of those we support, do not have this.

Ultimately, we desire to be an organisation which offers a listening ear and friendly face supporting our lovely community.

We aim to be compassionate, personalised, and empowering, receiving referrals from a range of organisations, individuals, and local services.

It has been a step of faith, both financially and personally opening up to this often-hurting community. We sold our family car to purchase an adapted van to assist with the daily practical tasks, providing hospital transport, delivering furniture, collecting items for the food bank, etc.

Highlights of our first two years

  • Building strong relationships across the community.
  • Supporting the bereaved both practically and pastorally.
  • Establishing links with local groups and agencies who are keen to work on joint projects supporting families.

It has been challenging, humbling, and rewarding to ‘Walk With’ those around us.

Our prayer for our beautiful, but often broken community is that they will know God’s love, hope, and blessing for themselves. Friends doing life together.

And what does the Lord require of you but to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6 v 8

It is great to receive feedback from one of the homeless guys we supported during the pandemic and who continues to thrive in his new home.

“Hey, I’d really like to thank you both for today, it really did make a huge difference. You left me with a huge bag of sunshine and optimism which I’m going to use wisely. First thing tomorrow I’m gonna get an appointment with the doctor for the 1st time since my move for a start. Still got a smile on my face, THANK YOU”

We also received this text from a family we have helped make their home more accessible for their son who is in a wheelchair.

“Hey, I just want to say a massive thank you to you both. Honestly if it wasn’t for the support you have given our family and pushing the council constantly, I really don’t think the work would have started yet. Thank you will never be enough xxx.”

To find out more about Colburn Community Support visit or email

Jo-Ann & Simon Eastwood

Community Enhancers – Colburn Community Support

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