A Prayer For You: In Debt

In these uncertain times, many of us are finding it much harder to pay our bills. For some this has been building for a while, along with the realisation that you cannot pay everyone and yet they all want paying. Today’s prayer is for you.

If you do not know the God of the Bible, please do not worry, he will still hear your voice and will respond. If you cannot pray, please be reassured that others are praying for you and that God answers prayer. Shall we pray together?

Father God, we are praying today because some of us are really struggling with our money situation and we need help. Many times we feel completely overwhelmed and helpless, angry and yet powerless to fix things. People keep demanding payment, sending frightening letters, threatening calls and texts, and visits too. Nobody listens to our situation and few seem to care.

Thank you, God, that you know me as a human being. You see me as an individual, not just an account number, and that you care for me more than I can understand. Thank you Father that there are people and organisations who can and do help people in my situation, without cost, and without judgment.

Father God, we ask that you will help us. Give us strength each day to do the things we need to. Give grace and patience, to us, and to the people we live with and love and care for. Heal our relationships damaged by this stress and pressure. More than anything though, we pray for the courage and strength to get help and to follow through with the advice we are given.

And God we ask that you will improve our situation, that you will come close and change our lives for the better. Help us with our money, help us with the people who we owe money to. Make them more understanding, and help us to manage our money better. Please, God, we want to see you make our circumstances better.

And Father, please stay close to us through the worry in the day and the fear at night. Help us to find hope and joy in life again and to look forward to better times to come because with you there is hope and joy and peace. And thank you God for hearing our prayer.


Be encouraged.

If you are in debt and are having difficulty paying your bills these links should help you find free professional help.


If you live in the North Yorkshire Dales area, for local help contact:

Jubilee Debt Advice Centre

New Life Baptist Church, 52-54 High Street, Northallerton, DL7 8EG

07719 852330

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